Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tiger Woods in the Spotlight

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I read an article named, "Shame and Fortune" today! It made my heart sad to think that we can throw away our heroes so quickly! In a world where we do not allow parents to discipline their children in public, remove all implications of a God from government and give condoms to 11 year olds without the permission of parents, why would we be so naive as to think that anyone is above reproach?

The pressures of life for some are greater than others! Money does not buy love nor peace, it only offers opportunity to prove what we carry on the inside. We must be cautious not to believe that we have a right to throw stones, until we have walked in another mans life and trials!

With great fame comes great responsibility, and even greater yet, pressures, how long a person is capable of keeping their head above the demand of being a world Icon, is dependent upon the man. When that man falls from the tower we have built under him, we need to accept our responsibility in the matter.

The only man that has made a claim to being perfect, and lived in truth in that perfection, is Jesus Christ! I shudder to think that we honestly believe that any man can come close to that perfection! How 'bout you? Want to tackle the rigors of, "Tabloid Scrutiny?"

Oh, perhaps you are not as well known as Tiger Woods, well then, perhaps the tabloids would not be as ferocious on you, but then, would your life and habits stand as long and fast as has his, before crumbling?

Do you think you would handle such idolization and power without faltering?

Woe be unto any who will judge a man, rather than feel the compassion and love for a being of creation, who has lost focus and or grip on those things that are of greatest benefit to man, Guidance, acceptance, peace, and Love!

Oh for the love of the man, may we call on our better being, that we may extend our heartfelt compassion and love toward his distressing, disillusioned, disgraceful, situation in which he finds himself!

I read an article named, "Shame and Fortune" today! It made my heart sad to think that we can throw away our heroes so quickly! In a world where we do not allow parents to discipline their children in public, remove all implications of a God from government and give condoms to 11 year olds without the permission of parents, why would we be so naive as to think that anyone is above reproach?

The pressures of life for some are greater than others! Money does not buy love nor peace, it only offers opportunity to prove what we carry on the inside. We must be cautious not to believe that we have a right to throw stones, until we have walked in another mans life and trials!

With great fame comes great responsibility, and even greater yet, pressures, how long a person is capable of keeping their head above the demand of being a world Icon, is dependent upon the man. When that man falls from the tower we have built under him, we need to accept our responsibility in the matter.

The only man that has made a claim to being perfect, and lived in truth in that perfection, is Jesus Christ! I shudder to think that we honestly believe that any man can come close to that perfection! How 'bout you? Want to tackle the rigors of, "Tabloid Scrutiny?"

Oh, perhaps you are not as well known as Tiger Woods, well then, perhaps the tabloids would not be as ferocious on you, but then, would your life and habits stand as long and fast as has his, before crumbling?

Do you think you would handle such idolization and power without faltering?

Woe be unto any who will judge a man, rather than feel the compassion and love for a being of creation, who has lost focus and or grip on those things that are of greatest benefit to man, Guidance, acceptance, peace, and Love!

Oh for the love of the man, may we call on our better being, that we may extend our heartfelt compassion and love toward his distressing, disillusioned, disgraceful, situation in which he finds himself!


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